NEWS: Guzman Y Gomez – Free Burrito for RFS Volunteers and Emergency Workers and their Families (18-19 January 2020)

NEWS: Guzman Y Gomez - Free Burrito for RFS Volunteers and Emergency Workers and their Families (18-19 January 2020) 1ON Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 January 2020, Guzman Y Gomez are offering a Free Burrito for all RFS Volunteers and Emergency Workers, and their families. 

To claim this offer, present your ID or come in uniform on the day.

From Facebook:

Not all heroes wear capes. Our RFS and emergency workers in Australia are our heroes. Like everyone we have been devastated watching the bushfires destroy so many of our beautiful communities in Australia. GYG would like to invite all RFS volunteers and emergency workers, and their families to any GYG nationally on 18-19 January to have a burrito on us. Simply come in uniform or show your ID and your family is our family for the day. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you. The world all over are watching you and are in awe of you all. We hope and pray the bushfires have calmed down a little by then. 💛💛💛#thankyou #australianfires #vicrfs #sarfs #nswfires #rfs

For more Guzman Y Gomez deals, click on one of these links:
NEWS: Guzman Y Gomez - Free Burrito for RFS Volunteers and Emergency Workers and their Families (18-19 January 2020) 2NEWS: $3.50 Street CornNEWS: Guzman Y Gomez - Free Burrito for RFS Volunteers and Emergency Workers and their Families (18-19 January 2020) 3DEAL: $12 Chicken Mini Meal via GYG Delivery
NEWS: Guzman Y Gomez - Free Burrito for RFS Volunteers and Emergency Workers and their Families (18-19 January 2020) 4DEAL: $7.50 Brekkie Taco Combo with Hash Brown and CoffeeNEWS: Guzman Y Gomez - Free Burrito for RFS Volunteers and Emergency Workers and their Families (18-19 January 2020) 5DEAL: Double GOMEX Points Every Monday via App
NEWS: Guzman Y Gomez - Free Burrito for RFS Volunteers and Emergency Workers and their Families (18-19 January 2020) 6DEAL: $36 Friends FiestaNEWS: Guzman Y Gomez - Free Burrito for RFS Volunteers and Emergency Workers and their Families (18-19 January 2020) 7DEAL: $12 Chicken Mini Meal
NEWS: Guzman Y Gomez - Free Burrito for RFS Volunteers and Emergency Workers and their Families (18-19 January 2020) 8DEAL: $43 Family FiestaNEWS: Guzman Y Gomez - Free Burrito for RFS Volunteers and Emergency Workers and their Families (18-19 January 2020) 9DEAL: Add Hash Brown & Medium Coffee for $3 to Any Breakfast Item
NEWS: Guzman Y Gomez - Free Burrito for RFS Volunteers and Emergency Workers and their Families (18-19 January 2020) 10DEAL: 10 Menu Items Under $10 Available In-StoreNEWS: Guzman Y Gomez - Free Burrito for RFS Volunteers and Emergency Workers and their Families (18-19 January 2020) 11DEAL: $9.50 Brekkie Burrito Bundle
NEWS: Guzman Y Gomez - Free Burrito for RFS Volunteers and Emergency Workers and their Families (18-19 January 2020) 12DEAL: $35 Taco Night Bundle (10 Tacos & Family Fries)NEWS: Guzman Y Gomez - Free Burrito for RFS Volunteers and Emergency Workers and their Families (18-19 January 2020) 13NEWS: $5 Delivery & No Service Fees via App
guzman-logoGuzman y Gomez Deals, Vouchers and CouponsNEWS: Guzman Y Gomez - Free Burrito for RFS Volunteers and Emergency Workers and their Families (18-19 January 2020) 14Guzman Y Gomez Menu Prices

To take advantage of this offer, pop into a Guzman Y Gomez store!

If you’ve tried this deal, let us know what you think in the comments!

Click here for more Guzman news and deals. For more food news, deals and reviews in general, visit our home page or like us on Facebook!

Have any thoughts about this post? Let us know in the comments.


Will Hawke

Editor, expert deal hunter and formerly in the food industry. Since 2015, Will has been bringing Australians news and discounts from the world of food and beyond. With over a million Aussies visiting every month, Frugal Feeds is Australia's leading destination for food, shopping and discounts.

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