DEAL: 7-Eleven Epic Weekly Deals valid until 31 January 2022
7-Eleven are have introduced Epic Weekly Deals with deals on selected food items!
From Tuesday 25 January to Monday 31 January 2022, you can get one of these deals:
- $1 35-57g Mars, Snickers, Twix, Teaser and M&M’s varieties
- $1 35-60g Cadbury Medium Bar Varieties
- $1 Vodafone SIM Card (normally $2)
- $2 40g 7-Eleven Protein Bar Varieties
- $2 40g 7-Eleven Protein Bite Varieties
- $5 160g Faves Muffin varieties or 80-90g Banana Bread varieties and 237mL Suntory Boss Coffee varieties
- 2 for $5 Powerade Kiwi Apple 600ml
- $6 7-Eleven Classics Sandwich range and 750ml Pump Water varieties
- 2 for $6.50 Red Bull Zero 355ml
- 2 for $7 Slow Cooked Beef or Chicken & Leek Pie
- 2 for $7 500ml Bang Varieties
- 2 for $10 7-Eleven Wrap Varieties
Also, available in-store (no app required) are 90g 7-Eleven Banana Bread and $1 Large Coffees.
These deals are available in-store only while stocks last.
To locate your closest 7-Eleven store, click here and for more 7-Eleven deals, click on one of these links:
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